Stretching Your Inventory Dollars

piney-woods-gift-basketInventory is the center of your business.  Without it, you couldn’t make a gift basket BUT this is the one area where your budget can be hurt the most.

You have to rein in that desire to buy every “cute little thing” that you see that could “add just the perfect touch to a particular basket.”

The first secret to staying within a budget while building your inventory is to create a plan.  The first decision is not what baskets you are going to offer but that very first decision is WHO IS YOUR TARGET MARKET.  What group of people will you be selling to first?

Remember that you can’t be everything to everybody.

And you also can’t offer everything to that target market — not in the beginning, anyway.


How to Make a Bow

Learning how to make a bow for a “wow” presentation is easy if you know the techniques.  As with anything practice helps.  There is no … Continue